Timber Committee
European Forestry Commission
This website presents the activities of the UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission
who work together to promote sustainable forest management in Europe, the CIS and North America 

Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Experts Network to implement sustainable forest management

About Joint Expert Network




(managed by his chairman Mr. Christian SALVIGNOL)

The Experts Network contributes effectively and efficiently to the achievement of the integrated work programme of the Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission, notably work area 4: Social and cultural aspects of forestry, as well as to the MCPFE programme of work. It also identifies new priority issues within its scope of work, and draw them to the attention to its parent bodies.
Scope and objectives
The focus of the Experts Network’s activities is the implementation of sustainable forest management in Europe and North America, in particular relating to social, cultural and environmental aspects, on the basis of the broad policy objectives established by the parent bodies and the MCPFE. It concentrates on a limited range of topics, for instance training, workforce, private forestry, contractors, occupational safety and health, social dimension of forestry (SFM), i.e. on human resources.

While all countries benefit from international cooperation, the Experts Network recognises the special needs of some countries of the CIS and south east Europe, as identified in the integrated programme of work of work.

These objectives will be achieved by the regular exchange of information and advice on best forest practice and technology transfer, allied with the use of innovative information technology and communication systems. International seminars and workshops are convened which are primarily intended for forest specialists and practitioners. Teams of specialists will be established to study and report on specific topics identified by the Network as being of interest and to initiate and promote collaborative studies. The Network will also produce codes of practice, guidelines and analyses, and may participate in EU programmes where appropriate. 
The Network reports to the ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission, through their bureaux, and to the ILO. All member countries may nominate experts to the Network. As appropriate, it will liaise and cooperate with other countries and organisations.

The Network is directed by a Steering Committee which includes a chairman, two vice-chairmen and the Chief, ECE/FAO Timber Branch. Leaders of teams of specialists and organisers of seminars and workshops may also participate. The Chairman of the Network participates in meetings of the Bureaux of the TC and EFC and represents the Network at sessions of the parent bodies. The Network meets regularly. Election of the chairman and the vice-chairmen takes place every two years.

For more information please contact UNECE Timber Branch or Chairman Mr. Christian SALVIGNOL: [email protected]